Welcome To FLHow

Welcome To FLHow

welcome to flhowHello and welcome to FLHow. This blog/site is going to primarily dealing with SFI (Strong Future International) TripleClicks and ECA (E-Commerce Associates). All three of these are interlinked and all associated with SFI.

SFI was formed in 1998 with 1 product to its name and only active in the USA. It has steadily increased over the years to become a world wide company selling many thousands of products.

Welcome To FLHow

FLHow on the other hand was started in 2014 as my tribute to SFI. I first came across SFI several years ago, and after joining as an affiliate soon became disillusioned because I wasn’t making money. I have since learned that this was my fault as just joining some company or other was just not enough. No! You have to work at getting yourself motivated and carry out some marketing. (Not my strong point back then- too much procrastination). Even now I tend to think too much and not do enough promoting, but I am a lot better at it, and of course, I have realized what my errors were in the past.

Having come back to SFI now I realize what I was doing wrong. At that time I thought the world owed me a living and if I signed up one of these miraculous internet companies I would be a millionaire within a year. Now I know I have to follow the proven formula to see my dreams through. I have learned through bitter experience that I need to carry out some work, and it needs to be the work laid out for me in a logical manner.

Welcome To FLHow

With FLHow I will lead you by the hand  and tell you what to do and when to do it. For this to work you are going to have to be perfectly honest with me about the amount of time and money you are willing to invest in your new business. Oh yes I am sorry but you will need to spend quite a bit of time and if you can afford it a little cash to reach your dreams. If you can afford to spend a little more then you will be able to progress quicker than I have. I will relate here the things that you need to be doing if you are to become successful either with SFI or any other organization.

Welcome to flhow

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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

affiliate marketingThere are many ways to advertise on the internet. Today I am going to concentrate on affiliate marketing.

First of all we need to distinguish exactly what an affiliate is. And second why anyone would want to be an affiliate.

An affiliate is someone who sells products that have been produced by other people. These products could either be physical products or e-products. You will normally get a larger profit margin by selling e-products. With a physical product, (you or the vendor), have to physically wrap and post the product to the customer. With an e-product you can set it up to be sent automatically to the customer.

So an e-product only exists as a computer file unless someone wants to make a hard copy of it. As you are selling an e-product then it is normally downloaded by the customer to his own computer.

Affiliate Marketing

Many marketers produce e-products that they would like to be able to sell to as many people as possible. As they know other marketers will have different customer lists to their own. They invite others to sell their product on a commission only basis. What this means to you as an affiliate marketer is, you will advertise the product on the internet with a special code that is supplied to you by the vendor. For each sale that is made you will receive a percentage of the cost of the product. That percentage can vary between 4% for physical products to 75% and possibly more for the e-products. So affiliate marketing means you are getting paid a percentage of the sale price for introducing the customer to the vendor.

Affiliate Marketing

So how does this tie in with an SFI affiliate? You as an affiliate of SFI are going to send out advertising to encourage people to join SFI, TripleClicks and E commerce affiliates. As an affiliate of these programs you are going to get commission on TripleClicks sales. You are going to earn from those who you sign up in the programs. With the main SFI program you are going to gain VersaPoints when you get affiliates. You will also be getting commission on their sales. As you climb the SFI ladder so the number of levels you receive commission on increases.

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The SFI Opportunity

The SFI Opportunity

the sfi opportunityThe SFI opportunity, as with any online or off line project needs you to do something everyday. Do not even think of quitting. This is ultra important as you need to go through your SFI to do list on a daily basis. This way you will keep abreast of any new developments that are happening.

Once you have affiliates under you, (CSA or PSA), then you need to introduce yourself to them and encourage them to follow your example and log in to the affiliate center on a daily basis.

By getting a couple of good affiliates in your downline each month you will be continually improving you earnings potential.

The SFI Opportunity

If you want to make the best of the SFI opportunity you should visit the SFI forum on a regular basis. With over 200,000 posts and just short of 200,000 members, the forum is a great source of information for affiliates both old and new. It is also a very useful tool for both the newcomers and the most experienced affiliates. SFI affiliates are always exchanging information and helping or advising each other. With the forum you can brainstorm, get answers to your questions 24 hours a day. You can also find a mentor, and discuss any business ideas you may have. You can offer help to others, and generally contribute to the well being of the SFI opportunity.

The SFI Opportunity

I cannot see any reason why you would want to look anywhere else for a way to make money on the internet. This is of course unless you believe all those that tell you that you can make millions of dollars just spending a few minutes a day on the internet. Yes there may be people doing that now. But ask them how long it took them to get to that level. Also ask them how much time they spent each day or week when they were building their business.

There is very little difference between starting up a brick and mortar business to starting up an internet business. Any business takes time to show an initial profit margin. It also takes time to build the business up. The big advantage of the internet business is the lower funding required You also have access to a far higher number of potential customers through internet advertising.

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What Is TripleClicks?

what is TripleClicks?

 What Is TripleClicks?

what is TripleClicksWhat is TripleClicks? Here we have an online store that gives you daily deals, hot deals and close out deals. These are all well below the normal price you would pay if you were to buy these products.

There are over 117,000 products available and these are sourced from over 160 countries. These figures change on a daily basis. Along with this there are the E-commerce stores. Again the number of these is continually growing in numbers as more merchants see the advantages of publicizing their products to millions of potential customers.

Live auctions go out on a daily basis. Although these auctions are biased towards SFI affiliates they also show potential affiliates what is available on a daily basis.

What Is TripleClicks?

TripleClicks also contains a music store where there are music tracks of all genres to download. These tracks are written and compiled by amateur musicians who are trying to make a name for themselves. Along with this there is a monthly music contest for the new artists to take part in and get more recognition. This is carried out by you voting for the track(s) you like.

There are many downloadable e-products available. These include e-books and software that you can use to help educate and develop your own skills.

What is TripleClicks?

There are also games available on the TripleClicks site, with more being developed as this is being written. To go along with all this you also get member rewards when you spend money on TripleClicks. These member rewards act as cash for some of the products available on TripleClicks. TripleClicks also includes a W3 wave 3 offering extra freebies for members.

So what is TripleClicks? Well it is an all embracing online store with a difference. When you look around it is surprising what there is available.

 what is TripleClicks?

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Daily Tasks

Daily Tasks

doing the daily tasksDaily tasks are very important if you are going to progress with SFI. This of course would apply to any industry both on and off line. There are certain tasks that need to be carried out regularly and they will not just be those on your SFI website. I found it very useful to make myself a daily routine or to do list so I don’t go missing out anything that is vital.

Daily Tasks

If you get yourself into a routine when it comes to doing the daily tasks then as you progress you will find things much easier to cope with. It may seem to take a long time when you are starting out with a new opportunity and even now I often refer to my to do list. Of course you will find yourself updating your to do list when you find new marketing techniques to take on. Don’t be afraid to try new things when it comes to marketing. You can always stop doing the things that are either not working, or are time consuming and not giving the value you need for the time you spend doing it.

Daily Tasks

When it comes to doing the daily tasks with SFI you need to remember exactly what has to be done to help you progress and then add in any other things within the community that you would like to take on. Initially though you need to sign in to the affiliate center on a daily basis and carry out all the tasks on the SFI to do list. This will help you get the VersaPoints that you need to make progress. There are also other ways of increasing your points and your income that you can carry out as time allows.

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My SFI Day

My SFI Day

my sfi dayMy SFI Day starts with checking my emails before going on to complete my to do list for SFI for that day. Because progressing in SFI means collecting VersaPoints you need to do all that you can to collect VersaPoints. Once I have collected points from my to do list I will go on to look through some more of the Ask SC to get extra entries in the daily draw. While the VersaPoints help you to progress within SFI there are many other things to be done if you are to get a good income from your membership. My SFI day always includes one thing that must always be remembered, and that is that you will earn more from SFI by recruiting and duplicating.

With that in mind my SFI day continues with a visit to my SFI blog to write or update the articles on there. I will then try to increase my backlinks by writing articles and posting them as a guest on others blogs. I will also read some of the articles and post comments to increase my backlinks even more.

My  SFI Day

Depending on the time I have available my SFI day will include spending time checking on the progress of my traffic exchange links before going onto writing adverts for posting on safelists. If time permits I will also write a couple of articles to post on article directories. All this is helping me get the word out about my website and also my SFI gateway pages. I will make time to look over some of the articles on the SFI site to keep myself up to date with all that is going on.

My SFI Day

It is very easy to fill your day doing things to help you get the word out about your activities. As I want SFI to be my main income I will spend the time I feel necessary to make it that way. As with everything when you become more adept at doing these tasks the time you take to do them will lessen. I enjoy doing the things that are necessary to get the word out so to me this is not work just a little time invested into my advancement and income with SFI. Oh yes if you want to be successful you must invest time in your beliefs.

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SFI Works

SFI Works

sfi worksOne thing that you cannot criticize SFI for, is its training. So asking how SFI works  may seem a little redundant. Of course you  always get those who try to do things without reading the instructions and then blame everyone but themselves when their plans don’t work out the way that they thought that they would.

Along with how SFI works should also be why SFI works? It is all down to the basic design and the backup from the owner Gery Carson who appears to be always on hand to answer questions and promote SFI. The reason that SFI works is down to the dedication of the team Gery has working with him and also to the dedication shown by the affiliates and team leaders. Yes there are those in the down lines who never do anything but of course they will stay where they are either until they do something to help themselves or they just leave the program.

One thing that can prevent affiliates from carrying on is the amount of dead wood in their down lines. Unfortunately that is the nature of the beast. It doesn’t matter how much help you try to give some people they are not going to move unless you do it all for them. It can be hard for someone who is new to the internet marketing practices to accept they will come across people like these, especially when you have a program such as SFI. They just haven’t got the necessary fire in their belly to carry through there initial sign up.

We must all accept that while our marketing techniques are pulling in the sign ups, not all of those who sign up are going to carry through their initial action. I suspect there are many amongst the affiliates and leaders in SFI who have signed up for various things in the past on the internet but have then decided against following their initial idea through.

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