Listed here are some products I have found useful in the past. Please feel free to download those which you find interesting. Many items carry a fee because you will get certain resale rights with them, or they could be useful in helping you to grow your own list.
Among the products available you will find some with giveaway rights, some with resell rights, some with master resell rights and some with private label rights. All the products listed here will be marketing based which you can use to improve your marketing in SFI. If you are unsure of what these rights mean to you please read the page on product rights before you go any further.
How To Make Your Home Both Energy and Cost Efficient. by Derek Barrington.
Getting The Lions Share With Affiliate Marketing. by Derek Barrington.
Engage Your Business Brain. by Derek Barrington.
Money Making Ideas. by Derek Barrington.
Build Your Network by Derek Barrington.
Learn about planting the seeds of growth and the benefits of having your own network. Learn how to build your network and discover 70 different ways to build your network and leads. You will learn about how video, social media and giving away free things can help you build your network. you will also learn hoe to make potential customers contact you instead of you contacting them and why answering questions can brand you as go to person in that industry. Why the “call to action” is so important in helping you.