Welcome To FLHow
Hello and welcome to FLHow. This blog/site is going to primarily dealing with SFI (Strong Future International) TripleClicks and ECA (E-Commerce Associates). All three of these are interlinked and all associated with SFI.
SFI was formed in 1998 with 1 product to its name and only active in the USA. It has steadily increased over the years to become a world wide company selling many thousands of products.
Welcome To FLHow
FLHow on the other hand was started in 2014 as my tribute to SFI. I first came across SFI several years ago, and after joining as an affiliate soon became disillusioned because I wasn’t making money. I have since learned that this was my fault as just joining some company or other was just not enough. No! You have to work at getting yourself motivated and carry out some marketing. (Not my strong point back then- too much procrastination). Even now I tend to think too much and not do enough promoting, but I am a lot better at it, and of course, I have realized what my errors were in the past.
Having come back to SFI now I realize what I was doing wrong. At that time I thought the world owed me a living and if I signed up one of these miraculous internet companies I would be a millionaire within a year. Now I know I have to follow the proven formula to see my dreams through. I have learned through bitter experience that I need to carry out some work, and it needs to be the work laid out for me in a logical manner.
Welcome To FLHow
With FLHow I will lead you by the hand and tell you what to do and when to do it. For this to work you are going to have to be perfectly honest with me about the amount of time and money you are willing to invest in your new business. Oh yes I am sorry but you will need to spend quite a bit of time and if you can afford it a little cash to reach your dreams. If you can afford to spend a little more then you will be able to progress quicker than I have. I will relate here the things that you need to be doing if you are to become successful either with SFI or any other organization.